In the renowned magazine “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” (PNAS) an international team of researchers describes, where small changes can have…
Sediments accumulate on deep ocean floors at a rate of a few centimetres every thousand years. The study of this – called stratigraphy – involves drilling…
Two weeks after arriving Jan. 11 at “Dome A” for only the second time in history, an expedition team led by the Polar Research Institute of China (PRIC) has…
Using a remotely operated submersible vehicle the international research team captured images of life found on deep-sea pinnacles and valleys up to three…
It has been written to assist the media in planning and researching future stories related to space science and astronomy, particularly those with UK…
When these magmatic uprisings occur at a subduction zone, where one tectonic plate plunges under another, they give rise to volcanic massifs such as the Andes…