Search Results for: Ocean

El Niño affected by global warming

Scientists term this phenomenon a “quasi-cyclic” variation because its periodicity, which varies from 2 to 7 years, shows no regular time pattern. Research…

Climatic chain reaction caused runaway greenhouse effect 55 million years ago

Lead author is Appy Sluijs (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) and co-authors include Henk Brinkhuis, Gert-Jan Reichart (both from Utrecht University),…

Stanford's nanowire battery holds 10 times the charge of existing ones

The new version, developed through research led by Yi Cui, assistant professor of materials science and engineering, produces 10 times the amount of…

Variable Light Illuminates the Distribution of Picophytoplankton

A new study published in this week’s PLoS ONE by post-doctoral researcher Dr Christophe Six and a team of scientists from Mount Allison University, Sackville,…

Evolution tied to Earth movement

Scientists long have focused on how climate and vegetation allowed human ancestors to evolve in Africa. Now, University of Utah geologists are calling renewed…

Hot spot on Enceladus causes plumes

The heat being generated on the moon's south pole at a hot spot is enough to eject plumes of ice and vapor above Enceladus. These plumes, according to William…

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