Now, new research led by a marine microbial ecologist at the University of Georgia is showing for the first time that the roles played by bacteria in coastal…
However, contrary to what one would expect, so-called “overweight” diseases (obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, certain cancers, etc) are no longer…
Recent research by the Université de Montréal (Canada) and the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies (Millbrook, New York) has revealed an important, but seldom…
By employing a new technique – based on the same principle as police speed-measuring radar guns – to satellite radar data, scientists can now obtain…
The Chicxulub crater was formed when an asteroid struck on the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Most scientists agree the impact played a major role in the “KT…
The shells of diatoms are so heavy that when they die in the oceans they typically sink to watery graves on the seafloor, taking carbon out of the surface…