Search Results for: Ocean

Acid Rain Has a Disproportionate Impact on Coastal Waters

Ocean “acidification” occurs when chemical compounds such as carbon dioxide, sulfur, or nitrogen mix with seawater, a process which lowers the pH and reduces…

Migrating squid drove evolution of sonar in whales and dolphins

Behind the sailor's lore of fearsome battles between sperm whale and giant squid lies a deep question of evolution: How did these leviathans develop the…

Ocean depths ‘no haven’ from global catastrophes

Presenting the Charles Lyell Award Lecture at the BA Festival, Dr Jon Copley of the University of Southampton is sharing a first-hand account of recent…

The North’s new nervous system

Last year saw the launch of the cooperative project on “A New Nervous System for the Arctic”, with a budget of NOK 21 million. Kongsberg Maritime, Fugro…

Climatic variations influence the emergence of cholera in Africa

Global climate change has for several years been contributing greatly to the spread of cholera through associated increase in the frequency of torrential rain,…

Coral reef fish harbour an unexpectedly high biodiversity of parasites

In fact the best conserved areas harbour over 700 species of coral, 600 species of mollusc and nearly 4000 species of fish. These fish have been well studied…

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