Search Results for: Ocean

Bacteria in small sea life yield new way to make potential cancer drugs

Researchers led by a University of Utah medicinal chemist have developed a novel method to make drugs for cancer and other diseases from bacteria found in…

Research on the seismic activity of the southeast of the Bética Mountain Range

UGR professor Jesús Galindo Zaldivar, together to the Spanish Geological and Mining Institute (IGME –Ministry of Education and Science) have carried out a…

Scientists: New phylum sheds light on ancestor of animals, humans

The analysis also appears to shed light on the ancestor of chordates, the backboned animals that include human beings and two small invertebrate groups closely…

Accelerating Loss of Ocean Species Threatens Human Well-being

In a study published in the November 3 issue of the journal, Science, an international group of ecologists and economists show that the loss of biodiversity is…

By 2048 all current fish, seafood species projected to collapse

“Species have been disappearing from ocean ecosystems and this trend has recently been accelerating,” said lead author Boris Worm. “Now we begin to see some of…

Norway among the largest contributors to The International Polar Year

The Research Council of Norway has now distributed NOK 288 million (approximately € 35 million) for the polar research period 2007-2010 (subject to the…

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