Search Results for: Ocean

Changes in Antarctic marine ecosystems

Intensity of phytoplankton production during Antarctic summer affects the structure of seafloor ecosystems. Understanding the evolution of the polar sea ice is not enough to study the effects of the…

New basalt type discovered beneath the ocean

A new type of rock created during large and exceptionally hot volcanic eruptions has been discovered beneath the Pacific Ocean. An international team of researchers including the University of Leeds…

Virtues of modeling many faults

New method illuminates shape of Alaskan quake A University of Tsukuba research team find that the irregular behavior of the conjugate fault system responsible for the 2018 Gulf of Alaska…

Building tough 3D nanomaterials with DNA

Columbia Engineers use DNA nanotechnology to create highly resilient synthetic nanoparticle-based materials that can be processed through conventional nanofabrication methods. Columbia Engineering researchers, working with Brookhaven National Laboratory, report today…

How our microplastic waste becomes ‘hubs’ for pathogens, antibiotic-resistant bacteria

A new study shows how microplastics found in our daily personal care products can also host pathogens and boost antibiotic-resistant bacteria by up to 30 times once they wash down…

Droughts in Germany could become more extreme

Researchers analyse data from the last millennium In the future, droughts could be even more severe than those that struck parts of Germany in 2018. An analysis of climate data…

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