Search Results for: Ocean

Resilience to climate change?

New study finds octopuses adapting to higher ocean acid levels. With the impact of climate change increasing by the day, scientists are studying the ways in which human behavior contributes…

How to identify heat-stressed corals

‘Coral hospital’ tool could help safeguard reefs facing climate change Researchers have found a novel way to identify heat-stressed corals, which could help scientists pinpoint the coral species that need…

The new face of the Antarctic

In the future, the Antarctic could become a greener place and be colonised by new species. At the same time, some species will likely disappear. 25 researchers recently presented these…

Surprising news: drylands are not getting drier

New Columbia Engineering study–first to investigate the long-term effect of soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks in drylands–finds that soil moisture exerts a negative feedback on surface water availability in drylands, offsetting some…

Novel method reveals small microplastics throughout Japan’s subtropical ocean

Research conducted in the Light-Matter Interactions for Quantum Technologies Unit at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) has revealed the presence of small microplastics in the…

Ultra-fast gas flows through tiniest holes in 2D membranes

Researchers from the National Graphene Institute at the University of Manchester and the University of Pennsylvania identify ultra-fast gas flows through atomic-scale apertures in 2D membrane and validate a century-old…

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