If we could travel four billion years back in time, we would find ourselves in a rather inhospitable environment: an atmosphere in which we would suffocate…
“The ‘Antarctica Factor’ turns out to be the greatest risk, and also the greatest uncertainty, for sea-levels around the globe,” says lead-author Anders…
“What has been good practice in forestry for many decades has not yet been fully established in reef restoration: often there are no clearly defined goals, no…
Pectoral sandpipers (Calidris melanotos) migrate long distances, also during the breeding season. After a journey from the wintering grounds in the Southern…
AWI researchers have now found an explanation for the intensive melting on the ice’s underside, and published their findings in the journal Nature Geoscience.
Drifting algae in the Austral Ocean can bring invasive species to the Antarctic coasts, according to a study published in the journal Scientific Reports. The…