This summer, one of the world’s leading ocean science bodies, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO’s) and…
What do abrupt changes in ocean circulation and Earth’s climate, shifts in wildlife populations and ecosystems, the global finance market and its system-wide…
The finding, based on research by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill marine scientist Justin Ries, could have important implications for ocean food…
TRMM is managed by both NASA and the Japanese Space Agency, and provides rainfall estimates of tropical systems from its orbit in space. Data from TRMM earlier…
We are in the process of organizing a series of press conferences to bring some of the most important new discoveries to reporters who cover the meeting. These…
Deep within the Kairei Indian hydrothermal vent field, two-and-one-half miles below the central Indian Ocean, scientists have discovered a gastropod mollusk,…
Lying beneath the ocean is spectacular terrain ranging from endless chains of mountains and isolated peaks to fiery volcanoes and black smokers exploding with…
The layer of sand on ocean floor is home to a large part of the vast diversity of marine species. Species representing almost all classes of marine animals…
But less focus has been given to global warming’s evil twin, ocean acidification, which occurs when CO2 lowers the pH of water bodies, thus making them more…
Tim Duda, of WHOI’s Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering Department, undertook a study in response to warnings that as the ocean becomes more acidic—due to…
Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.14 C per decadeJanuary temperatures (preliminary)Global composite temp.: -0.01 C (about 0.02 degrees Fahrenheit)…
Damage was catastrophic along the Gulf Coast states. Oil and tar balls washed ashore, fouling beaches and estuaries. Marine organisms, seen and unseen below…
After two years of testing water samples across the Arctic Ocean, the researchers found that relatively harmless inorganic mercury, released from human…
The northern abalone–prized as a gourmet delicacy–has a range that extents along the North American west coast from Baja California to Alaska. Even though…
Global climate trend since Nov. 16, 1978: +0.14 C per decadeSeptember temperatures (preliminary)* Global composite temp.: +0.29 C (about 0.52 degrees…
Austria´s annual contribution to this programme is financed by the Austrian Science Fund FWF together with the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The first-time…
The naturally low pH (a measure of acidity) in the water around the springs creates conditions similar to those that will result from the widespread…
On Oct. 12 at 1500 UTC (11 a.m. EDT), Tropical Cyclone 01S (TC01S) was “born” about 90 nautical miles (103.6 miles/166.7 km) west-southwest of Diego Garcia,…
Tropical Cyclone 15S was born from the low pressure area designated as System 92S. System 92S developed on Feb. 9 and intensified into a tropical storm on Feb….
A seemingly ordinary topic, being able to determine the fate of charcoal is critical in helping scientists balance the global carbon budget, which in turn can…