Methane in the plumes of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. A study published in Nature Astronomy concludes that known geochemical processes can’t explain the levels of methane measured by the Cassini spacecraft…
The mysterious ocean plastic sink. Plastics are a growing problem for natural ecosystems around the globe, and in particular for our marine and freshwater environments. Rivers are the leading source…
First global assessment of the extent of snow and ice cover on Earth’s surface–a critical factor cooling the planet through reflected sunlight–and its response to warming temperatures. The global cryosphere–all…
Hot vents in the deep sea are home to microbes that feed on ethane. They were discovered recently from scientists of the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology. Now the…
TROPOS lidar on Cabo Verde in operation for the ESA wind satellite Aeolus. To support the ESA wind satellite Aeolus, the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) has now installed…
In future the intensity of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current could increase, accelerating climate change. Our planet’s strongest ocean current, which circulates around Antarctica, plays a major role in determining the…