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Did climate influence Angkor's collapse?

Decades of drought, interspersed with intense monsoon rains, may have helped bring about the fall of Cambodia's ancient Khmer civilization at Angkor nearly 600…

Researchers equip robot sub with sensory system inspired by blind fish

Clever as a blind fish, the underwater robot “Snookie” can orient itself in murky waters with an artificial sensory organ inspired by the so-called…

How Does a Heart Know When It’s Big Enough?

The protein, named Kibra, is linked to a relay of chemical signals responsible for shaping and sizing tissue growth by coordinating control of cell…

Molecular rectifiers containing diamondoids

A molecular rectifier comprised of a diamondoid molecule and an electron acceptor attached to the diamondoid molecule is now available. The electron acceptor…

Human beta-defensin chimeric peptides

This invention exploits the remarkable differences in the antimicrobial properties shown by human beta-defensins 2 and 3 (HBD2 and HBD3) against Gram-positive…

Molecular rectifiers containing diamondoids

A molecular rectifier comprised of a diamondoid molecule and an electron acceptor attached to the diamondoid molecule is now available. The electron acceptor is generally an electron accepting aromatic species covalently attached to the diamondoid. Hereby, the diamondoid molecule fulfills the role of an electron donor.<p>

It has been discovered that rectification at the molecular level can be achieved by combining a diamondoid molecule with an electron acceptor ? most notably an aromatic one. Depending upon the particular combination of diamondoid molecule with electron acceptor, these molecules may act as rectifiers, resistors, p-n junctions, or a combination thereof.

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