Search Results for: search.php

New simulations refine axion mass, refocusing dark matter search

Using adaptive mesh refinement, supercomputer simulation narrows axion mass range. Physicists searching — unsuccessfully — for today’s most favored candidate for dark matter, the axion, have been looking in the…

Flexible assembly in space and industry

Transfer project strengthens robot autonomy and teamwork with humans. Autonomous mobile robots that work safely and intuitively with humans are not only an important building block of Industry 4.0. In…

The neural mechanisms behind autism

Altered sensory processing of communication signals. For a long time it has been assumed that difficulties in processing communication signals in autism occur at the level of the cerebral cortex…

Division of labour in ants goes back over 100 million years

University of Jena biologists discover in fossils earliest proof of cooperative behaviour in ants. An international research team led by biologists from Friedrich Schiller University Jena has discovered material evidence…

Monte Carlo simulations bring new focus to electron microscopy

New findings enable first direct, real-time images of radiation-sensitive soft nanomaterials in organic solvents. With highly specialized instruments, we can see materials on the nanoscale – but we can’t see…

Developing an optical methodology for rapid detection of COVID-19

The new tool has made it possible to detect SARS-CoV-2 in exudate from symptomatic patients with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 87.5%. This new methodology, whose first…

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