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Appliance for monitoring of etching activation

A novel appliance for monitoring of wet chemical etch activation was developed at Saarland University. A desired final point of the etch activation (etch stop)…

Species-independent detection method for biological material (nested SAPD-PCR)

The SAPD-PCR (Specific amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR) is a species-independent detection method that allows the determination of the genetic relationship of…

Genes hold secret to survival of Antarctic 'antifreeze fish'

The study, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is the first to search the genome of an Antarctic notothenioid fish for clues to its…

Sensitive laser instrument could aid search for life on Mars

INL's instrument blasts off tiny bits of mineral and looks for chemical signatures of molecules commonly found in cells. While other methods require extensive…

HiRISE Camera Reveals Rare Polar Martian Impact Craters

HiRISE, or the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, headed by Alfred McEwen of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, is based at the UA. New HiRISE images…

Missing person

Dutch-sponsored researcher Krisztian Balog has developed a computer program that speeds up the process of finding the right person in an organisation’s…

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