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One size does not fit all in Antarctica

… climate change will impact Antarctic seals differently. A New Zealand-led international study published today in Global Change Biology, reveals how climate change may impact seals in one of the…

Imaging single spine structural plasticity at the nanoscale level

Researchers at the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (MPFI) have developed a new imaging technique capable of visualizing the dynamically changing structure of dendritic spines with unprecedented resolution. For…

Engineering CAR T cells to deliver endogenous RNA …

… wakes solid tumors to respond to therapy. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy, which uses engineered T cells to treat certain types of cancers, has often been a…

Artificial intelligence sharpens the view into space

In their search for distant galaxies, rapidly rotating neutron stars and black holes, radio astronomers are collecting an ever-increasing amount of data. In the future, this flood of data will…

Nanoscale systems for generating various forms of light

LSU Quantum researchers rearrange photon distribution to create different light sources. For decades, scholars have believed that the quantum statistical properties of bosons are preserved in plasmonic systems, and therefore…

In the trap: New method for cooling charged particles

System consisting of two Penning traps connected to an electrical resonant circuit transmits the cooling power of laser-cooled ions. For the first time, physicists have succeeded in successfully realizing a…

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