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Case Study in Chip Scale Review Features Two-Chip Stacked Package

A case study by researchers in the Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) at North Dakota State University was published in the July 2008 issue of…

Could metals help treat cancer?

These molecules are very powerful inhibitors of a specific protein kinase, CK2, an enzyme that is overactive in a number of cancers. The enzyme's instrumental…

Structure of hepatitis B virus mapped

Using a newly developed method, Utrecht University researchers have mapped the structure and composition of the hepatitis B virus. The researchers were able to…

Anti Cancer Sandwich – Ferrocenophanes against tumors

The invention pertains to a new group of metallocenophanes

as potent cytostatic drugs. The Ferrocenophanes were designed by reductive coupling of special…

Cyplat – Ortho-platinated Primary Amines

The invention pertains to a new method for the synthesis

of organometallic platinum(II) complexes with orthoplatinated primary amines as ligands. The…

COROT’s new find orbits Sun-like star

After just 555 days in orbit, the mission has now observed more than 50 000 stars and is adding significantly to our knowledge of the fundamental workings of…

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