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Physicists find room-temperature, 2D-to-1D topological transition

Rice-led team toggles side- and edge-conduction states in bismuth iodide crystals. A Rice University team and its collaborators have discovered a room-temperature transition between 1D and 2D electrical conduction states in…

Janus graphene opens doors to sustainable sodium-ion batteries

In the search for sustainable energy storage, researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, present a new concept to fabricate high-performance electrode materials for sodium batteries. It is based on…

Seeing both the forest and the trees

Trans-scale scope shows big picture of tiny targets. Researchers at Osaka University use a 120-megapixel camera to simultaneously image over a million cells in a single microscope field of view,…

Innovative Drug Discovery

Heidelberg research group seeks and develops inhibitors against flavi- and coronaviruses. New drugs are intended to help stop viral zoonoses – infections that jump from animals to humans. To study…

CNIO researchers find master regulator gene for brain cancer with the worst prognosis

“It is a big step forward in the search for therapies for this type of cancer with poor prognosis” says Massimo Squatrito, main co-author of the study. Researchers at the…

Monoclonal antibody prevents malaria in small NIH trial

Additional NIH studies underway will build on encouraging early results. One dose of a new monoclonal antibody discovered and developed at the National Institutes of Health safely prevented malaria for…

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