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Carbon nanoribbons could make smaller, speedier computer chips

For the first time, a research team led by Hongjie Dai, the J. G. Jackson and C. J. Wood Professor of Chemistry, has made transistors called “field-effect…

Getting warmer: UT Knoxville researchers uncover information on new superconductors

The excitement centers around a new class of high-temperature superconductors — initially discovered in February and March by Japanese and Chinese researchers…

Cassiopeia A: Echoes from the Past

But now, an international scientific team has performed an impressive work of celestial archaeology: they have used the interstellar dust as a look-back mirror…

In cooperation with global industrial partners – BIBA has begun the development of systems for the automatic loading of goods

Scientists at the Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics GmbH (BIBA) at the University of Bremen already know from the results of their market study…

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB )

Am Donnerstag, 29. Mai, wurde auf der 9. Vertragsstaatenkonferenz (COP9) des Internationalen Übereinkommens zur Biodiversität (CBD) in Bonn ein Bericht zur…

Mouse anti-human PIWIL2 mAb

Scientists at the University of Göttingen generated polyklonal and monoclonal antibodies against the new diagnostic tumor marker PIWIL2. The tumor marker…

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