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Unlocking the power of the microbiome

Not only an­im­als and hu­mans host a com­plex com­munity of mi­croor­gan­isms – plants do this as well. Re­search­ers at ETH Zurich have re­cently pub­lished two new stud­ies that shed light…

Speedy nanorobots could someday clean up soil and water, deliver drugs

University of Colorado Boulder researchers have discovered that minuscule, self-propelled particles called “nanoswimmers” can escape from mazes as much as 20 times faster than other, passive particles, paving the way…

Rare Genetic Defect Replicated in Fish Model

Heidelberg researchers model complex metabolic disturbance. A rare genetic defect that affects the so-called ALG2 gene can cause serious metabolic diseases in humans. It does so through the defective formation…

New method for molecular functionalization of surfaces

Stable and ordered single molecule layers on silicon through self-assembly; publication in ‘Nature Chemistry’. One vision that is currently driving material scientists is to combine organic molecules (and their diverse…

Unexpected quantum behavior in kagome lattice

Experiments suggest evidence for novel patterns of electronic charge distribution in a kagome material whose handedness can be manipulated with a magnetic field. An international team led by researchers at…

Pathogenic bacteria rendered almost harmless

By identifying one of the mechanisms regulating the virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a UNIGE team is proposing a new strategy to combat this bacterium, which is resistant to many common…

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