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Reaping the benefits of noise

AMOLF scientists unravel noise-assisted signal amplification in systems with memory. Signals can be amplified by an optimum amount of noise, but this so-called stochastic resonance is a rather fragile phenomenon….

Comprehensive electronic-structure methods

Comprehensive electronic-structure methods review featured in Nature Materials. Over the past 20 years, first-principles simulations have become powerful, widely used tools in many, diverse fields of science and engineering. From…

Technology that predicts protein stability

 … is released by UK university spin-out company. A digital tool that will make it cheaper, safer and faster to develop new medicines is being rolled out by scientists from…

Parasites as fountains of youth: Study finds infected ants live much longer

Life expectancy of tapeworm-infected worker ants is significantly higher than that of their uninfected nest-mates and resembles that of ant queens. Ant workers that are infected with a tapeworm live…

Not All Theories Can Explain the Black Hole M87*

Scientists at Goethe University Frankfurt and the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration use data which produced the first image of a black hole to constrain its fundamental properties. Theoretical physicists at…

‘Bite’ defects revealed in bottom-up graphene nanoribbons

Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), narrow strips of single-layer graphene, have interesting physical, electrical, thermal, and optical properties because of the interplay between their crystal and electronic structures. These novel characteristics have…

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