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New research brings initial find of Alois Alzheimer to fore once again

The research, putting proteins often linked to heart disease front and center in a brain disease whose causes remain a mystery, hark back to what German…

Cells that did not find place in life

The cell being in permanent futile search – is a cancer cell. This hypothesis was set forward by Russian scientists Yuri Vasiliev and I.M. Gelfand in the…

The Great Cometary Show

Comet McNaught, the Great Comet of 2007, is no more visible for observers in the Northern Hemisphere. It does put an impressive show in the South however and…

Firefighter's guardian angel is a palm size robot

Industrial fires, explosions and chemical contamination are dangerous circumstances fire and rescue teams face on a daily basis. However small explorer robots,…

Physicists Discover Structures of Gold Nanoclusters

Understanding the electronic and geometric structures of gold nanoclusters is a key step towards understanding their behavior under different conditions, such…

Lost dogs found more often than lost cats

In one city in southwestern Ohio , researchers found that 71 percent of lost dogs were found, compared to just 53 percent of lost cats.More than a third of the…

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