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Researchers Discover New Species Of Fish In Antarctic

The new species of nototheniid fish, Cryothenia amphitreta, is detailed in the December issue of the quarterly journal Copeia. Paul A. Cziko, a research…

Europe looks forward to COROT launch

COROT is a French national space agency (CNES)-led mission to which the European Space Agency and European partners are adding a particularly strong…

CERN Confident of LHC start-up in 2007

Housed in a 27 kilometre tunnel beneath the French-Swiss border near Geneva, the LHC is the world's largest and most complex scientific instrument. Experiments…

One gene 90 percent responsible for making common parasite dangerous

The finding, reported in this week's issue of Science by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and elsewhere, should make it…

Method for rapid detection of DNA base sequence variations

This invention describes a simple, rapid, and reliable procedure to detect base sequence variations (single base exchanges, insertion or deletion of one or…

Linchpin discovered in insulin metabolism

Flies in which this hereditary factor is defective are also significantly smaller than other members of their species and live appreciably longer. The gene…

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