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Widely adjustable optical functional layer, e.g. as UV protection for plastic films, glass, textiles, food – Effective UV-A protection from 320-470n

By means of a novel method, it was possible to create, by making full use of the “Bowing effect” ? against prevalent views ?, a ternary compound whose absorption edge can be freely adjusted over a wide range and which features a sharp absorption edge (e.g. ZnOxS(1-x) with c. 320 ? 470 nm 2,6-3,8eV, UV-B range).
To do so, the novel method uses production methods which have already been established (thin layer deposition), particularly advantageous sputter and chemical deposition techniques.

42-metre Giant will probe the Universe

This three year study, with a budget of 57 million euro, will prepare the way for construction of the world’s largest optical/infrared telescope that will…

First biomarker for human sleepiness identified in fruit flies

Researchers hope to make amylase the first of a panel of biomarkers that will aid diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders and may one day help assess the…

Measurement Set-Up for Memory Analysis

The present invention is for a measurement process and set-up to analyse memory effects for the modelling of power amplifiers. Unlike GSM driven mobile radio…

LIBS-Microscopy / Optical Material Analysis

The invention concerns a procedure and apparatus which enable the three-dimensional trace element analysis of material samples by ultra short laser pulse…

Measurement Set-Up for Intermodulation Analysis Metrological

The invention describes a measuring process and set-up to reduce memory effects of power amplifiers by recording an optimized operational state via harmonic…

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