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Boulder: Climbing Without Boundaries

Boulder is a patented solution for numerous climbing applications in sports, leisure, and therapy. Computer controlled rotation and inclination of the climbing…

Search for scientists to shape our future

Professor Heiko Balzter, Professor of Physical Geography at the University of Leicester, is the lead scientist in the European training course. He said:…

Setting the Stage to Find Drugs Against SARS

Researchers from Brookhaven’s biology department and the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) characterized a component of the virus that will be the…

A Quantum (Computer) Step

A University of Utah physicist took a step toward developing a superfast computer based on the weird reality of quantum physics by showing it is feasible to…

Geologists Find New Origins of Appalachian Mountains

The scientists recently discovered a piece of the Appalachian Mountains in southern Mexico, a location geologists long had assumed was part of the North…

Storing the semantics embedded in digital shapes

Digital 3D shapes, whether modelling a human kidney or the door-handle on a concept car, are crucial to modern science and industrial practice. Currently in…

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