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Colorful, Rare-Patterned Male Guppies Have Survival Advantage In The Wild

Any owner of a freshwater aquarium likely has had guppies (Poecilia reticulata), those small brightly colored fish with a propensity for breeding. Now guppy populations manipulated in natural habitats in Trinidad have taught researchers an evolutionary lesson on the survival of a rare genetic trait. Reporting in the June 1 issue of the journal Nature, scientists from six institutions detail how male guppies with the most colorful – and most rare – patterns are more likely than their more c

Novel cytostatic spiro compounds

The invention regards the provision of novel cytostatic compounds with favourable and vali-dated characteristics for use as chemotherapy drugs in the treatment…

Adenovirus vector for immunogene therapy of liver cell carcinoma (lcc)

The invention regards the use of viral or adenoviral vectors for selective tumour thera-peutic methods of liver cell carcinoma in the form of an immunogene…

Research suggests cause of neurodegeneration in Huntington’s disease

The severe neurodegeneration associated with HuntingtonÕs disease may result from molecular mutations that block the transport of nutrients within cells. Findings from the Emory University School of Medicine indicate that the mutant huntingtin protein limits the efforts of the huntingtin-associated protein-1 (HAP1) to provide nutrients to growing neurons, or neurites. Without those nutrients, neurites fail to develop and mature neurons degenerate.

Huntington’s disease was first

The search for new applications for laser light beams

Light can blind or distort colours, or confuse one with chiaroscuros. But it can have greater usefulness if its properties, characteristics, how it is created, etcetera are better understood.

At the Department of Applied Physics at the University of the Basque Country School of Engineering they are using laser light in studies to look for new applications.

There is more than one kind of laser beam but, basically, the process of its creation is the same:


UAB Researchers Discover HIV-1 Originated in Wild Chimpanzees

An international team of scientists, led by researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), has discovered a crucial missing link in the search for the origin of HIV-1, the virus responsible for human AIDS. That missing link is the natural reservoir of the virus, which the team has found in wild-living chimpanzees in southern Cameroon.

The findings provide important clues to how the disease migrated from non-human to human primates, and will be released Thursday (May 25) in Sc

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