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Researchers discover a new genetic cause of Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers from the Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) connected to the University of Antwerp are the first to show that the quantity of amyloid protein in brain cells is a major risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease. Amyloid protein has already been known to be the primary component of the senile plaques in the brains of patients. The new discovery demonstrates that the greater the quantity of the protein that is produced, the younger the dementia patient is.

Network of expertise in long-term preservation of digital resources is exchanging data with the Australian PADI subject gateway

Bilingual search for long-term preservation resources available free of charge

Access to German and international sources of information

The “nestor” network of expertise in long-term preservation of digital resources has just put into practice an agreement made in April 2005 between the Australian colleagues working on the PADI (Preserving Access to Digital information) portal at the National Library of Australia and the nestor partner, Goettingen State and University

The mood of the Internet

Dutch researcher Maarten de Rijke and his co-workers Gilad Mishne and Krisztian Balog have developed a new programme that can trace and explain significant changes in mood patterns on the Internet. MoodViews is a collection of instruments that maps the mood of bloggers as they write their message.

Internet diaries, blogs, are an increasingly common phenomenon on the Internet. The opinions and experiences of tens of millions of people can be followed every day. Researchers from the P

Heating head for stirling motor

The fins of the heating head of a stirling-engine will be strongly contaminated by the combustion with biomass with dust and smoke particles so that the heat…

Process for the production of new metal complexes and their use as catalysts for the oligomerisation or polymerisation of olefin

Previously unknown nickel complexes with new amino-substituted and hydroxy-substituted phosphino-acetic acid ligands are suitable as catalysts for ethylene…

Europe scores new planetary success: Venus Express enters orbit around the Hothouse Planet

Yesterday, at the end of a 153-day and 400-million km cruise into the inner Solar System beginning with its launch on 9 November 2005, ESA’s Venus Express space probe fired its main engine at 09:17 CEST for a 50-minute burn, which brought it into orbit around Venus.

With this firing, the probe reduced its relative velocity toward the planet from 29,000 to about 25,000 km/h and was captured by its gravity field. This orbit insertion manoeuvre was a complete success.


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