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Prophylaxis and therapy for pancreatitis

The technology regards the use of an oral elastase inhibitor for the prophylaxis and therapy of pancreatitis.The innovative aspect is particularly the…

Micro-pump actuated upon application of an alternating voltage.

The following expose presents a novel and patent-pending fluidic micro-pump. The pumping of the medium is performed without any mechanical moving parts and is…

Flying tip of bees: leave your legs dangling!

Unlike airplanes, leaving their landing gear down makes bees fly faster. When orchid bees extend their hind-legs they pitch forward to achieve maximal speed, and the legs produce lift forces to either side that help prevent the bee from rolling. “The hind-legs resemble airplane wings, which probably explains why they also generate lift”, says Dr Stacey Combes from the University of California, Berkeley who will present her research on Tuesday 4th April at the Society for Experimental Biology’s A

First direct mechanical communication of mitochondria, cardiomyocyte nucleus shown

In a paper being presented in two American Physiological Society sessions at Experimental Biology 2006, a joint Estonian-French team demonstrated “for the first time that mitochondria are able to induce nuclear deformation, suggesting that mitochondria may mechanically regulate nuclear function.”

The team, which has been collaborating for over 10 years, reported that it recently “found a very interesting and unexpected phenomenon: various substances which increase mitochondrial s

MINOS experiment sheds light on mystery of neutrino disappearances

British scientists are joining colleagues from around the world today (Thursday March 30th 2006) at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in the USA to share the first results from a new neutrino experiment. The Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) is designed to study ghostly particles called neutrinos and in particular to study how the three different types are able to transform one into the other. In their first data release, the MINOS team has already reached the sensi

A new generation of efficient drugs for the modulation of the insulin biosynthesis

Extensive research into the very core of the so-called “lifestyle” disease diabetes mellitus type 2 has enabled the identification of three target proteins and…

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