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Mars meteorite similar to bacteria-etched earth rocks

A new study of a meteorite that originated from Mars has revealed a series of microscopic tunnels that are similar in size, shape and distribution to tracks left on Earth rocks by feeding bacteria.

And though researchers were unable to extract DNA from the Martian rocks, the finding nonetheless adds intrigue to the search for life beyond Earth.

Results of the study were published in the latest edition of the journal Astrobiology.

Martin Fisk, a professor of

Parkinson’s disease may be treated by electric current

A simple and efficient method that facilitates Parkinson’s disease treatment has been developed by researchers of the Institute of Human Brain, Russian Academy of Sciences. Influence of feeble electric current on the brain via electrodes laid on the head skin – the so-called transcranial electric polarization (TCEP) – reduces muscle tone and partially restores patients’ movements. In combination with antiparkinsonian drug intake, TCEP reduces their side effect.

Parkinson’s disease is a c

Cold case: Looking for life on Mars

Evidence never dies in the popular TV show Cold Case. Nor do some traces of life disappear on Earth, Mars, or elsewhere. An international team of scientists,* including researchers from the Carnegie Institution’s Geophysical Laboratory, has developed techniques to detect miniscule amounts of biological remains, dubbed biosignatures, in the frozen Mars-like terrain of Svalbard, a island north of Norway. This technology will be used on future life-search missions to the Red Planet. The work is

The Sun’s New Exotic Neighbour

Very Cool Brown Dwarf Discovered Around Star in the Solar Neighbourhood

Using Eso’s Very Large Telescope in Chile, an international team of researchers [1] discovered a brown dwarf belonging to the 24th closest stellar system to the Sun. Brown dwarfs are intermediate objects that are neither stars nor planets. This object is the third closest brown dwarf to the Earth yet discovered, and one of the coolest, having a temperature of about 750 degrees Centigrade. It orbits a very sma

Novel Chroman-4-one-Agents for the Prophylaxis and Therapy of Fungal and Bacterial Infections

The offered invention opens up a new avenue for providing new agents at the disposal of combating the emerging resistance to existing antibiotics. The obtained…

Cold-Induced Expression System

A cold-induced expression system for temperature regulated gene expression; particularly the over-expression of hydrophobic or thermo labile proteins.Further…

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