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’Virus chip’ detects new virus in prostate tumors

UCSF and Cleveland Clinic scientists have discovered a new virus in human prostate tumors. The type of virus, closely related to viruses typically found in mice, has never been detected in humans. The virus’s link to human disease is still unclear, and more study is needed to determine the relationship between the virus and cancer, if any, the scientists say.

The discovery was made with the same DNA-hunting “virus chip” used to confirm the identity of the SARS virus three y

Mystery solved: Gold’s power against autoimmune diseases defined

Gold compounds have been used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases for more than 75 years, but until now, how the metals work has been a mystery. Harvard Medical School researchers report in the Feb. 27 issue of Nature Chemical Biology that special forms of gold, platinum, and other classes of medicinal metals work by stripping bacteria and virus particles from the grasp of a key immune system protein.

“We were searching for a new drug to treat autoimmun

When seeing is misleading: Clutter leads to high-confidence errors

Did you ever arrange to meet a friend at a busy street corner, then rush up to a total stranger thinking it was your friend? Neuroscientists have a theory to explain why such potentially embarrassing mistakes occur. They probe the underlying perceptual and neural processes of visual search by studying how distracters affect performance of a visual search task. One might intuitively expect that as background noise created by distracters and errors increase, confidence in one’s decision plummets

In search for the best alliance structure between banks and insurance companies

Banks and insurance companies have widely recognized the need for mutual co-operation in the form of cross-sector alliances. In these articles we study the problem of finding the most suitable alliance structure between banks and insurance companies from the points of view of executive management, supervisory authorities and customers. We also study possible compromise alliance models for several decision maker groups and a group’s understanding of other groups’ decisions.

In the first

Scientists discover Mars’ atmosphere altered by solar flares

New research shows X-ray bursts from the Sun cause dramatic alterations to the planet’s ionosphere

Boston University astronomers announced today the first clear evidence that solar flares change the upper atmosphere of Mars. In an article published in the February 24th issue of the journal Science, the researchers describe how X-ray bursts from the Sun in April 2001 recorded by satellites near Earth reached Mars and caused dramatic enhancements to the planet’s ionosp

Researchers Describe Discovery of Pluto’s New Moons

New Hubble Images Offer Best View yet of Distant Planet and its Three Satellites

In the Feb. 23 issue of the journal Nature, a team led by Dr. Hal Weaver of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md., describes its discovery of two new moons around Pluto – a finding that made the ninth planet the first Kuiper Belt object known to have multiple satellites.

In a companion paper, also in the Feb. 23 Nature, discovery team members led by Dr. A

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