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The Hydrogen Economy: Which Way Forward for the South?

Given the right support, there could be 5-10 million fuel cell vehicles globally by 2020…

The time horizon for the Hydrogen Economy is long – it is at least 20 years away for developed countries. But long term change requires short term change…

China, India and Brazil have already developed active programmes of research on hydrogen fuel cells, which are tailored to their own needs and development goals…

By developing their hydrogen roadmaps now, de

Novel protein complex enables survival in hostile environment

Biswarup Mukhopadhyay and Eric Johnson from the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech have discovered a novel enzyme that represents an ancient detoxification system and provides a clue to the development of early metabolism on earth.

The research appears in the Nov. 18, 2005 issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, in the article “A New Type of Sulfite Reductase, a Novel Coenzyme F420-dependent Enzyme, from the Methanoarchaeon Methanocaldococcus jannaschii”.

CERN Awarded High-Performance Computing Prize at Supercomputing 2005

CERN has received the High Performance Computing (HPC) Public Awareness Award at a ceremony at Supercomputing 2005 in Seattle this week. Supercomputing 2005 is the foremost international conference for HPC. The award was presented by HPCwire, the leading HPC publication, as one of their 2005 Editors’ Choice Awards, a category where the winner is determined by a panel of recognized HPC luminaries and contributing editors from industry. The award citation is for ‘Outstanding Achievement in Creating Pub

Two genetic traits giving Africans malaria protection lose effectiveness when they occur together

Scientists thought sickle and thalassemia traits would be potent combination; instead, they cancel each other out

Two genetic conditions–sickle cell trait and a mild version of the blood disorder known as thalassemia–that by themselves give millions of Africans natural protection against malaria, can be rendered essentially useless when they occur together, according to a new study of Kenyan children that is to be discussed today at the Fourth Multilateral Initiative on Malaria

Break-through values achieved for databases, climate computing and grid technologies

High-tech in Earth System Science at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany

Record-breaking high-tech has been successfully employed in Earth System Science at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) in Hamburg, Germany.

– The largest database in the world under the free Linux operating system has been installed in Hamburg by the Wold Data Centre for Climate (WDCC) and the German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ) . This is confirmed in the inter

The world’s biggest Linux database stores climate data

Record database at the German Climate Computing Centre’s World Data Centre for Climate

The World Data Centre for Climate (WDCC) and the German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ) in Hamburg run the largest database in the world under the free Linux operating system. This is confirmed in the international ranking list of the world’s largest databases published by the Winter Corporation in September. The WDCC database at the DKRZ has an inconceivable volume of almost 220 te

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