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Tuning electrode surfaces to optimize solar fuel production

An electrode material with modified surface atoms generates more electrical current, which drives the sunlight-powered reactions that split water into oxygen and hydrogen–a clean fuel. -Scientists have demonstrated that modifying…

Artificial intelligence deciphers genetic instructions

Deep learning algorithms reveal rules of gene regulation With the help of artificial intelligence (AI) a German-American team of scientists deciphered some of the more elusive instructions encoded in DNA….

New joint pro­ject TRIPLE-MoDo

Bre­men con­sor­tium de­vel­ops in­nov­at­ive dock­ing sys­tem for un­der­wa­ter robots. How can in­ac­cess­ible places on the Earth, such as the deep sea, as well as those on other plan­ets be in­vest­ig­ated?…

X-ray double flashes control atomic nuclei

A team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg has coherently controlled nuclear excitations using suitably shaped X-ray light for the first time. In the…

How bacteria hunt bacteria

Predator-prey relationships between bacteria could provide ideas for new antibacterial strategies. These observations might be useful for the future development of new antibacterial strategies. The team reports in the journal…

A performance leap for Graphene modulators in next generation datacom and telecom

Over the past years, global data traffic has experienced a boom, with over 12.5 billion connected devices all over the world. The current world-wide deployment of the 5G telecommunications standard…

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