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Researchers uncover genetic link to stroke after heart surgery

Duke University Medical Center researchers have discovered that patients who have two specific gene variants are more than three times as likely to suffer a stroke after heart surgery.

Furthermore, since the two implicated genes are involved in the body’s immune response to insult or injury, the researchers said that their findings strongly suggest that inflammation plays an important role in post-operative stroke.

The researchers said that if the findings are conf

Novel plague virulence factor identified

Researchers at Duke University Medical Center have identified a previously unknown family of virulence factors that make the bacterium responsible for the plague especially efficient at killing its host.

In the process, the team not only demonstrated that the use of the common roundworm is a valid model for studying the virulence of Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes plague. They also showed that the interaction between Y. pestis and the worm is quite similar to what occur

EXPWAY launches turnkey FastESG™solution for mobile TV

EXPWAY of France has designed and launched FastESG™, a unique end-to end Electronic Service Guide solution over mobile and broadcast networks (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, DVB-H), from server to terminal. FastESG™ is an XML-based software solution, built on rich metadata language such as DVB-CBMS, which guarantees an enhanced end-user experience (particularly in the field of TV viewing and multimedia entertainment). The company will be showcasing its technology at the IFA trade show in Berlin from 2 t

Cellular Power Plants Also Fend Off Viruses

Three confocal microscopic images of a cell stained with an antibody that detects the protein MAVS (left), Mito-Tracker (center), and an overlay of the green and red images (right) that indicates the mitochondrial localization of MAVS.

Researchers have discovered a surprise lurking inside mitochondria, the power plants that are present in every cell. It turns out that these powerhouses also contain a protein that triggers the immune system to attack viral invaders.


New ivory-billed woodpecker recordings to be released

Cornell researchers say double knocks may be ’soundprints’ of ivory-bills
The public is invited to join in, listen and help decipher the sounds of the ivory-billed woodpecker By Simeon Moss

Now hear this: After analyzing more than 18,000 hours of recordings from the swampy forests of eastern Arkansas, researchers at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology at Cornell University have released recordings offering further evidence — including the legendary bird’s dist

New Nanoforum Website Launched

New look but same breadth of information

The new-look is the result of a critical evaluation of website functionality and a review of what registered users want from Nanoforum. The revamped website offers the same level of information and detail as before, but it is now easier to search for related information.

The homepage lists the latest news with quick links to events, organisations, calls and programs, and Nanoforum reports, with the number of entries in each li

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