Search Results for: search.php

Intraoral extraction device for the analysis of volatile organic compounds (e.g. odorants)

The method can be used to identify the persistence of key odorants after intake of food such as coffee, aromatized beverages, chewing gum, candies or any other…

FcgammaRII polymorphism as a marker for acute coronary syndrome

The present invention discloses a significant altered distribution of FcgammaRIIa genotypes in the presence of CAD as compared to healthy controls. A detailed…

New human cytomegalovirus (HCVM) vaccine system based on a clinical virus isolate (FIX-BAC)

The invention enables to provide vaccines which raise an efficient immunologic response. As a consequence, the design of better prophylactic and therapeutic…

Novel substances preventing thrombosis at its initial stage

The novel substances prolong the half-life of a natural protein without affecting its anticoagulant function, whereby the anti-thrombotic effect is selectively…

Novel viral expression system

A novel yeast expression system was developed in the lab of Prof. Manfred Schmitt from the Department of Applied Molecular Biology of the Saarland University…

Avian Influenza Virus and hereon designed vaccines

The avian influenza is a virus disease which has recently broken out among birds and fowl in ten states of Asia. According to recent reports from Vietnam and…

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