Search Results for: search.php

Blood group co-determines composition of the intestinal microbiome

In a large genome study, a Kiel University research team demonstrates correlations between certain gene variants and the composition of bacterial colonization in the human body For several years, scientists…

Borrowing from birds, experts reduce search times for novel high-entropy alloys to second

Computational materials science experts at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory enhanced an algorithm that borrows its approach from the nesting habits of cuckoo birds, reducing the search time…

‘Moiré metrology’ – a new tool to map the interaction between atomically thin layers

When two atomically thin layers of a material are stacked and twisted slightly on top of one another, they can develop radically different properties. They may become superconducting or even…

As hard as a diamond and as deformable as metal

TU-scientists develop new material for tomorrow’s technology Smartphones with large glass housings and displays are impressive, but they are also very prone to get cracked and scratched. To prevent these…

Why remdesivir does not fully stop the coronavirus

Remdesivir is the first drug against Covid-19 to be conditionally approved in Europe and the United States. The drug is designed to suppress the rapid replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus…

Perceiving prosthesis as lighter thanks to neurofeedback

Trans­mit­ting sens­ory sig­nals from pros­theses to the nervous sys­tem helps leg am­putees to per­ceive pros­thesis as part of their body. While am­putees gen­er­ally per­ceive their pros­theses as heavy, this feed­back…

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