Search Results for: search.php

Mycorrhizing your way to sweeter tomatoes

Demand for mycorrhizal fungi in gardening and landscaping tasks is steadily climbing, given its ability to boost growth and yield as a natural fertilizer. In a successful first, scientists from…

Consequences of Glacier Shrinkage

Heidelberg scientists study glacial lake outburst flood in the Himalaya Researchers from the South Asia Institute and the Heidelberg Center for the Environment of Ruperto Carola investigated the causes of…

Midbrain organoids for automated chemical screening and disease research

Max Planck Innovation licenses process for the generation of organ-like tissue aggregates to biotech company StemoniX ***Sometimes hundreds of thousands of potential therapeutics need to be tested in large-scale, fully…

Breakthrough quantum-dot transistors create a flexible alternative to conventional electronics

Quantum dot logic circuits provide the long-sought building blocks for innovative devices, including printable electronics, flexible displays, and medical diagnostics. Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory and their collaborators from…

Showcase Bioeconomy

Seaweed as a Sustainable Source of Raw Materials EU research project with the participation of the University of Hohenheim searches for new, sustainable food additives and packaging materials from seaweeds…

Specific and rapid expansion of blood vessels

Nature Communications: KIT researchers identify a new mechanism to control endothelial cell size and arterial caliber – basis for better treatment of heart infarct and stroke. Upon a heart infarct…

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