Search Results for: search.php

Global food production threatens the climate

Use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture causes an increase in nitrous oxide concentration in the atmosphere – Comprehensive study with KIT participation in Nature. Concentration of dinitrogen oxide – also…

AI methods of analysing social networks find new cell types in tissue

In situ sequencing enables gene activity inside body tissues to be depicted in microscope images. To facilitate interpretation of the vast quantities of information generated, Uppsala University researchers have now…

Happiness and the evolution of brain size

The happiness neurotransmitter serotonin can act as a growth factor for the stem cells in the fetal human brain that determine brain size. During human evolution, the size of the…

Testing mobility scenarios with the Open-Source simulation environment Eclipse MOSAIC

On the occasion of EclipseCon 2020, Fraunhofer FOKUS launches its simulation environment Eclipse MOSAIC. This solution is based on VSimRTI (Vehicle-2-X Simulation Runtime Infrastructure), which has been developed over the…

Green Talents 2020 on a virtual tour in Germany

Outstanding green visionaries from all over the world will meet Germany’s sustainability research elite during the first virtual science tour. The 25 winners of this year’s Green Talents Competition have…

Energy System 2050: solutions for the energy transition

Research initiative of the Helmholtz Association presents strategies, technologies, and open-source tools. To contribute to global climate protection, Germany has to rapidly and comprehensively minimize the use of fossil energy…

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