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Energy-saving servers: Data storage 2.0

Whether it's sending the grandparents a few pictures of the kids, streaming a movie or music, or surfing the Internet for hours, the volume of data our society…

Smart structures: Structural cells of the body control immune function

Moreover, the study uncovered an “epigenetic potential” that pre-programs structural cells to engage in the immune response against pathogens.

Age research: A low level of the stress hormone cortisol contributes to the ageing process

The phenomenon of human ageing is the result of a complex interaction between numerous factors, with our own immune system playing a critical role. As we get…

NRL telescope onboard ESA, NASA SOHO discovers 4000th comet

LASCO, which is aboard SOHO, was developed in 1995 to see the extremely faint emission from the region around the Sun called the corona. Operating in space for…

Project EurEx-LUNa: DFKI in Bremen prepares underwater robot for field trials in space research

In an ocean covered by an up to 15 kilometer thick sheet of ice that is located on Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter, in an average distance of 600 million…

Twisted WSe₂ as a highly tunable platform for the study of exotic phenomena

In their search for new materials which can conduct electricity without any resistance, the so-called superconductors, many scientists now investigate…

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