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Order from disorder

We've all experienced turbulent air and water, but did you know light can be turbulent too?

Researchers model human stem cells to identify degeneration in glaucoma

The study, published June 11 in Stem Cell Reports, focused on targeting genetic mutations within retinal ganglion cells, which serve as the connection between…

Versatile symbionts: Reed beetles benefit from bacterial helpers through all life stages

Insects that feed only on plants have a number of challenges to overcome. But they also have some active helpers to assist them with the supply of important…

Statistical analyses of plant metabolites allow solid testing of plant defense theories for the first time

Do plants attacked by herbivores produce substances that are most effective against attackers in a targeted manner, or are herbivore-induced changes in a plant…

Water bacteria have a green thumb

The sheer endless expanses of the oceans are hostile deserts — at least from the perspective of a bacterium living in water. Tiny as it is, its chances of…

Clocking in with malaria parasites

The mystery behind the molecular basis of how these parasites synch their rhythm in replication to the host's clock-driven rhythms has been solved.

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