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Parasite manipulates algal metabolism for its own benefit

Microalgae can form massive assemblages in oceans, attracting many opportunistic organisms; these are capable of eliminating the entire algal population within…

Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: A new drug class in cancer therapy

During their search for new therapeutic options for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), a team of researchers at Vetmeduni Vienna have discovered a new…

Hubble captures cosmic face

Although galaxy collisions are common — especially in the early universe — most are not head-on impacts like the collision that likely created this…

Placing Another Piece in the Dark Matter Puzzle

A team led by Prof Dmitry Budker has continued their search for dark matter within the framework of the ‘Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment’ (or ‘CASPEr’…

Reconstructing the richness of pristine oceans funded by the ERC

Geoscientist Professor Bernd Schöne of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and his cooperation partners in Great Britain and Denmark have been awarded an…

Giant neutrino telescope to open window to ultra-high-energy universe

A decades-old mystery: where are the most energetic particles coming from?

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