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Creating a nanospace like no other

Researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Copenhagen have built a self-assembled nanocage with a very…

New deep-water coral discovered

Psammogorgia pax, collected at a depth of 63 meters (207 feet) in Hannibal Bank –a flat-topped seamount located in Coiba National Park, a biodiversity hotspot…

Synthetic cells make long-distance calls

The search for effective biological tools is a marathon, not a sprint, even when the distances are on the microscale. A discovery at Rice University on how…

Bayreuth researchers discover stable high-energy material

The Bayreuth team, led by Dr. Dominique Laniel, has stored a mixture of metallic magnesium (Mg) and nitrogen (N₂) in a diamond anvil cell. They then subjected…

Liquifying a rocky exoplanet

Rocky exoplanets that are around Earth-size are comparatively small, which makes them incredibly difficult to detect and characterise using telescopes. What…

Cesium vapor aids in the search for dark matter

The hunt for dark matter is one of the most exciting challenges facing fundamental physics in the 21st century. Researchers have long known that it must exist,…

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