Search Results for: search.php

Vulnerability of cloud service hardware uncovered

Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are, so to say, a computer manufacturer's “Lego bricks”: electronic components that can be employed in a more flexible…

On-site detection of hazardous substances // Project consortium developed hand-held scanner for hazardous substances

Police forces encounter a suspicious room during a house search – a room that could be anything: a drug or explosive laboratory or just a fake. In order to…

Fraunhofer iCAIRTM is breaking new ground in the development of antiviral drugs

In the project Fraunhofer iCAIRTM, the Fraunhofer International Consortium for Anti-Infective Research, scientists of the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology…

Machine learning makes proteomics research more effective

The genome of any organism contains the blueprints for thousands of proteins which control almost all the functions of life. Defective proteins lead to serious…

Precision nanomedicine: towards skin-based delivery vaccination

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam developed targeted nanoparticles that are taken up by certain immune cells of the…

New system by TU Graz automatically recognises pedestrians’ intent to cross the road

In Vienna there are some 200 push-button pedestrian lights (signalised pedestrian crossings). They allow pedestrians to cross the road safely. But only after a…

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