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Opioids: no effect without side effect

More than two-thirds of the over 70,000 drug-related deaths in the USA in 2017 were due to opioid overdoses. The rapidly increasing abuse of the strong…

Scientists from TU Dresden search for new methods to cure neurodegenerative diseases

Most neurons in the human brain are generated from neural stem cells during embryonic development. After birth, a small reservoir of stem cells remains in the…

Drones shown to make traffic crash site assessments safer, faster and more accurate

It is one of the most vulnerable times for “secondary accidents,” which often can be worse than an original source of the slowdown, according to the U.S….

Plant phytolith and water content influence rate of tooth enamel abrasion in vertebrates

Fodder experiments in guinea pigs provide insights into the causes of tooth wear / Findings could allow scientists to reconstruct the feeding behavior and…

The Algae’s Third Eye

Just like land plants, algae use sunlight as an energy source. Many green algae actively move in the water; they can approach the light or move away from it….

Basel researchers identify drug against the formation of metastasis

The development of metastasis is responsible for more than 90% of cancer-related deaths, and patients with a metastatic disease are considered incurable.

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