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Next stop Morocco: EU partners test innovative space robotics technologies in the Sahara desert

The objective of the Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) on Space Robotics Technologies is to advance European research and development in the field of space…

How to produce fluorescent nanoparticles for medical applications in a nuclear reactor

Diagnosing diseases and understanding the processes that take place within cells at the molecular level require sensitive and selective diagnostic instruments….

ALMA and MUSE detect galactic fountain

A mere one billion light-years away in the nearby galaxy cluster known as Abell 2597, there lies a gargantuan galactic fountain. A massive black hole at the…

Peering into the Sun from the depths of the Gran Sasso: Borexino sheds light on solar neutrinos

For more than ten years, the Borexino Detector located 1,400 meters below surface of the Italian Gran Sasso massif has been exploring the interior of our Sun….

Zebrafish Larvae Help in Search for Appetite Suppressants

Many drugs that take effect in the brain have unwanted side effects. The appetite suppressant Rimonabant, for example, can cause anxiety, depression or even…

Biomarker discovered for most common form of heart failure

A team led by a Cedars-Sinai physician-scientist has discovered a biomarker–a protein found in the blood–for the most common type of heart failure, a new…

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