Search Results for: search.php

Making efficient use of the Sun’s power

BMBF awards funding for junior research group at Friedrich Schiller University Jena to research photocatalytic production of green hydrogen. Hydrogen holds vast potential as a fuel, provided that it is…

Desert Ants: The Magnetic Field Calibrates the Navigation System

Desert ants find their way during an early learning phase with the help of the Earth’s magnetic field. The associated learning process leaves clear traces in their nervous system. This…

Traces of Stone Age hunter-gatherers discovered in the Baltic Sea

In autumn 2021, geologists discovered an unusual row of stones, almost 1 km long, at the bottom of Mecklenburg Bight. The site is located around 10 kilometres off Rerik in…

SETI ellipsoid technique for searching for signals from distant civilizations

Researchers show that the SETI Ellipsoid method can leverage continuous, wide-field sky surveys, significantly enhancing our ability to detect these potential signals. In a paper published in the Astronomical Journal, a team…

Why olivine and diamonds are best friends

Hardly any gem­stone is more dif­fi­cult to find than dia­monds. Geo­lo­gists from ETH Zurich and the Uni­ver­sity of Mel­bourne have now es­tab­lished a link between their oc­cur­rence and the min­eral…

New sex-specific genetic variants for chronic kidney disease identified

Working with an international consortium, scientists at Leipzig University have identified new genes that may play a role in chronic kidney disease. They analysed data from more than 900,000 people…

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