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Neutron star merger directly observed for the first time

On August 17, 2017, at 12:41:04 UTC, scientists made the first direct observation of a merger between two neutron stars–the dense, collapsed cores that remain…

Breaking: the first light from two neutron stars merging

Previous detections of gravitational waves have all involved the merger of two black holes, a feat that won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics earlier this month….

Machine learning translates 'hidden' information to reveal chemistry in action

Chemistry is a complex dance of atoms. Subtle shifts in position and shuffles of electrons break and remake chemical bonds as participants change partners….

Formation of coal almost turned our planet into a snowball

“It is quite an irony that forming the coal that today is a major factor for dangerous global warming once almost lead to global glaciation,” says author Georg…

Tungsten offers nano-interconnects a path of least resistance

As microchips become ever smaller and therefore faster, the shrinking size of their copper interconnects leads to increased electrical resistivity at the…

New efficient catalyst for key step in artificial photosynthesis

Chemists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have designed a new catalyst that speeds up the rate of a key step in “artificial…

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