Search Results for: search.php

NASA’s Webb identifies tiniest free-floating brown dwarf

Brown dwarfs are objects that straddle the dividing line between stars and planets. They form like stars, growing dense enough to collapse under their own gravity, but they never become…

Highly resolved precipitation maps based on AI

KIT researchers use deep learning to enhance the spatial and temporal resolution of coarse precipitation maps. Strong precipitation may cause natural disasters, such as floodings or landslides. Global climate models…

Scientists uncover molecular link between wet and dry macular degeneration

The pathway may help explain why patients develop vision loss from “wet” or advanced “dry” macular degeneration. In a study published December 4 in the Proceedings of the National Academy…

Chance twists ordered carbon nanotubes into ‘tornado films’

Rice study uncovers new ways to make ordered wafer-scale chiral carbon nanotube architectures. Chiral materials interact with light in very precise ways that are useful for building better displays, sensors…

New Microscope: ComplexEye and AI

…enable Faster Migration Analysis of Immune Cells. Immune cells fight infectious intruders, for example, or search for incipient cancers. Therefor, they are constantly migrating through the tissues of our body….

Brainstorming with a bot

CFN’s Kevin Yager develops a chatbot with an expertise in nanomaterials. A researcher has just finished writing a scientific paper. She knows her work could benefit from another perspective. Did…

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