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Discovery of the most accelerated binary pulsar

Although most of the more than 2,500 pulsars known are solitary objects, a few are found in tight binary systems. The discovery of the first of these, the…

Scanning tunneling microscopy measurements identify active sites on catalysts

No energy transition without catalysts: On their own, the chemical processes necessary in order to manufacture hydrogen gas using electricity, to convert the…

A revolution in lithium-ion batteries is becoming more realistic

Commercially available lithium-ion batteries consist of two electrodes connected by a liquid electrolyte. This electrolyte makes it difficult for engineers to…

The personality factor: How to foster the sharing of research data

The personality of a researcher can play an important part in his or her decision to share research data. This is the result of a national, interdisciplinary…

Discovery of boron on Mars adds to evidence for habitability

The discovery of boron on Mars gives scientists more clues about whether life could have ever existed on the planet, according to a paper published today in…

Letting programmes manage their own processing resources

Everyone will be familiar with playing a video on their computer that keeps pausing every few seconds and just won’t buffer properly. These stops and starts…

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