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Big data for the universe

Astronomers at Lomonosov Moscow State University in cooperation with their French colleagues and with the help of citizen scientists have released «The…

Carnivores more seriously threatened by roads than previously acknowledged

The first global overview of the effects of roads on carnivores offers new insights for the protection of well-known species such as the puma (Puma concolor),…

“Corrective glass” for mass spectrometry imaging

The chemical analysis of biological tissues with three-dimensional shapes has been a major problem so far. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical…

Night Vision Algorithm

The Technology provides a new and outstanding method for the enhancement of the
quality of dim images. Inspired by the spatial integration of visual information in
nocturnal insects, the algorithm successfully enhances the contrast and brightness of
dim images and removes noise while preserving fine details and object contours. The
patented system is applicable to field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) or image
processors, which offer parallel computing capabilities. A wide variety of capabilities
and markets from automotive sector to the enhancement of diagnostic images can be

Anemometers to measure microturbulences

Researchers from the University of Oldenburg, Germany, developed a laser cantilever anemometer (LCA) which utilizes the laser pointer principle of a scanning-force microscope to capture the velocity and the angle of fluid flows.

Multisensor system – optical device to analyze liquid media

As yet there has been no satisfactory and easy method to determine the concentrations of substances dissolved in liquid product flows. Previous methods using sensors were not sufficiently reliable and not designed for flow-through systems. Or they required that the analyte whose concentration was to be determined was already known. The device according to invention makes it easy to determine the analyte in a liquid phase both qualitatively and quantitatively.
The Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg, Germany, developed a method which serves the purpose of identifying and quantifying substances (proteins, amino acids, drug constituents) in solution.

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