Researchers show that the SETI Ellipsoid method can leverage continuous, wide-field sky surveys, significantly enhancing our ability to detect these potential signals. In a paper published in the Astronomical Journal, a team…
Hardly any gemstone is more difficult to find than diamonds. Geologists from ETH Zurich and the University of Melbourne have now established a link between their occurrence and the mineral…
Working with an international consortium, scientists at Leipzig University have identified new genes that may play a role in chronic kidney disease. They analysed data from more than 900,000 people…
Researchers at EPFL and the University of Jena Develop Fast and User-Friendly GPT-3 Model for Chemical Tasks. GPT-3, the language model behind the well-known AI system ChatGPT, can also be…
Insect pollination is vital for many plants. Air pollution caused by humans can disrupt this sensitive process. This is shown in a review article written at the University of Würzburg….
A collaborative effort from teams across Penn culminates in new techniques to repair lung tissue after damage from flu and COVID-19. In the human body, the lungs and their vasculature…