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Method and device for flow control in micro fluidic channels

A solution for the known difficulties is given with this invention. Therefore a rotating valve is described. This valve controls the fluid flow in the system without getting in touch with the fluid itself. To do so, the valve heads are pressed on the flexible fluid pipes, which causes the flow through this point to stop. The valve heads are moved by electrically con-trolled actuators which perform a rotation movement. Unlike with membrane valves, additional energy to keep the valve open or closed is not required. Furthermore it is possible to use miniature servo actuators for the movement of the valve heads.

Method and device for planar build peristaltic pumps for flexile micro fluidic systems

The invention relates to a system, in which the flow in the channel is caused by a contact device, which is not in direct contact with the fluid. The flexible fluid channel is compressed by force which leads to closure of the channel. Now the contact device is moved along the chan-nel which causes an internal wave that transports the fluid. The pump itself emits force onto the channel without being a part of it. By doing so, it is possible to use the pump with one time use systems, because it is possible to remove the pump from the system without the need of disconnecting the pump from any channel attachments. Furthermore it is possible to reuse the pump system which helps to reduce costs. Furthermore it is possible to use this pump together with aggressive solutions, because the pump itself is not in any contact with the fluid.

Digitally measuring the phase shift of high frequency signals

The invention is based on a measuring device consisting of a transmitter and two receivers. The transmitter transmits a sinusoidal signal, which is band pass filtered, amplified and converted into a squarewave signal. Depending on the distance of the transmitter to the individual receivers, the received signals have a certain phase shift in relation to each other and now enter two inputs in the actual measuring system. On the lines, a signal is sampled and each fed to a XOR gate at regular intervals. There, a logical “1” is passed, if only one square-wave signal was received. The duration of the “1” indicates the relative phasing of the input signals at the physical tap. Each XOR gate passes its signal to a counter connected to the system clock. At each clock, the counters who received during clock rise just a “1” from the XOR gate are incremented by one. The results of the individual counters vary, but take in a minimum of one place. As a result, the transmitter can clearly be located after calibration.

Method for safe sending of emails

The invention relates to a method for email communication based on the exchange of MX-Records (Mail-Exchange-Records).
With the invention, those public MX-Records get controlled and verified by a more complex MXK-Record (Mail-Exchange-Key). Generating those keys can either be done by every person themselves or by a central position. These generated keys only need to be digitally signed by the service provider. The provider itself is not included in the process of generating the keys, which means he is not faced with additional expenses. Because no third party is required to generate the key, this method is an easy to use and secure method for the encryption and sending of emails.
With some modifications, this technique is also suitable for the encryption of telephone or SMS communication.

Cable Screen For Fish Protection Purposes

An apparatus for holding back, and diverting, fish in bodies of water by the arrangement of parallel cables braces between two or more abtuments, wherein the distance between the cables is small enough to prevent fish from swimming through the apparatus

Smartwatches can now track your finger in mid-air using sonar

That could change with a new sonar technology developed by University of Washington computer scientists and electrical engineers that allows you to interact…

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