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Two-of-a-kind strike oil

Discovery of oil-forming yeast species boosts hope for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Not all yeasts are created equally. Unlike the yeast used by bakers and beer brewers for converting sugars…

Shh! Quiet cables set to help reveal rare physics events

Ultra-low radiation cables reduce background noise for neutrino and dark matter detectors. Imagine trying to tune a radio to a single station but instead encountering static noise and interfering signals…

New recipes for origin of life may point way to distant, inhabited planets

A team led by scientists at UW–Madison has exploited those limitations of chemical combinations to write a cookbook with hundreds of recipes that have the potential to give rise to…

New method makes microcombs ten times more efficient

Microcombs can help us discover planets outside our solar system and track new diseases in our bodies. But current microcombs are inefficient and unable to reach their full potential. Now,…

How disorder alters quantum spin liquids

… forming a new phase of matter. A study led by Brown University scientists begins to address a longstanding question in condensed matter physics on whether disorder mimics or destroys…

When heat turns into electricity at 1000 °C.

Thermophotovoltaics: Researchers develop new resistant emitter based on iridium. Together with the Technical University of Hamburg and Aalborg University, researchers from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon have developed a new selective emitter…

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